Many men continue to be concerned about whether it is possible to enlarge the penis and how to do it.
To confirm the feasibility of this idea, it is necessary to understand when an increase is necessary, what methods exist and how to implement them.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis
Before paying attention to how to enlarge the penis,it is worth understanding why this is done and what are the indications. . . For independent actions aimed at enlarging the penis, dissatisfaction with its own parameters is enough, just as the size of the penis is less than 12 cm, but more than 8 cm in erection. As for the surgical intervention, it has strict indications:
- The erect penis measures less than 10 cm;
- Traumatic injury to the penis;
- Developmental abnormalities such as epispadias or hypospadias
- Development of cavernous fibrosis;
- Loss of elasticity of tissues;
- Hidden penis.
Proven and effective methods
The question of whether it is actually possible to enlarge the penis has a one hundred percent positive answer, but this activity will require some effort.
There are many methods for a man to achieve a result, each of them has repeatedly become the cause of disputes, and it is important to learn more about each of them.
These include:
- extensions;
- Pumps;
- Nozzles;
- Exercises;
- Folk methods;
- Suspension of loads;
- Operations;
- Creams, ointments, gels, sprays.
One of the first is whether it is realistic to enlarge the penis with an extender. These devices have long occupied their niche in the group of intimate products, but at first there was a lot of controversy about their effectiveness.

By now, many men have already proven thatextenders not only help to enlarge the penis, but also to correct its curvature. . . This device has even become part of a rehabilitation plan after penis enlargement surgeries, which suggests that medical professionals agree with the device's effectiveness.
There are three types of extenders:
- endlessly ;
- Empty;
- Webbing.
They differ only in the method of attachment to the head., according to convenience and price, the working mechanism is the same for each type.
Wearing an extension cord requires a little adaptation. At the start of the penis enlargement process with this device, it is worn for about half an hour a day, gradually increasing this time, bringing it to 4-6 hours.
water pump
The next question, also relating to a certain device, concerns whether to enlarge the penis with a pump. It is now easy to find examples of pump usage results becausethis device quickly proved its effectiveness. . .

Their mechanism of action is based on the creation of a vacuum in a special cylinder. The penis is placed there andthe vacuum around the organ stimulates blood flow to the cavernous bodies.This gradually stretches them and enlarges the penis accordingly.
Perhaps penile attachments are the fastest and easiest method to enlarge the phallus. These silicone products are mainly thickening and lengthening.


The question of whether it is possible to enlarge the penis through exercise also has a positive answer.
A variety of special workouts allow you to create an individual set of exercises.
They have different goals. Some to increase all parameters, others to lengthen, others to thicken and fourth to increase any part, for example the head. Here are some examples of exercises:
- The man reaches the maximum possible erection state. Then he spreads his legs wide and begins to move the pelvis and, therefore, the penis back and forth, up and down. At the same time, exercise the muscles of the perineum. This exercise lasts about 5 minutes; if you get tired quickly, you can shorten this time.
- This activity takes place in a completely relaxed state, there should be no excitement. The head of the penis is wrapped in fingers and pulled out on its own, freezing at the farthest point for 5 seconds. When stopping, pushing down with the thumb of the other hand, lead from the root to the head.
Folk methods
Folk recipes exist for all occasions, and changing the size of the penis is no exception.
Particularly relevant are the questions of whether it is possible to enlarge the penis with baking soda, the most popular ingredient in questionable techniques.
It is quite possible to get such a change in the settings, because athe ingredient improves blood circulation in the penis,which is the basis of other magnification techniques. There are soda baths and scrubs. For the bath, a solution of warm water and soda is prepared in a glass or other convenient container. A member is immersed in it for a moment.
Scrub, in turn, requires an extension of the set, for example, soda is mixed with honey, which has also long proven itself in folk recipes. With this scrub, the penis is rubbed by performing massaging movements, then thoroughly washed.

Weights are weights of different sizes that can be purchased or made with your own hands, which is even easier and more cost effective.
Theirtied behind the head on a flexible rope and fixed with a cast. . . This method has long raised a lot of doubts about its effectiveness, however, thanks to many men, it has confirmed that it is possible to lengthen the penis with its help.
Suspending loads comes with high risks, so you should approach it with caution.
Progress doesn't stop, now on the marketthere are special vacuum hangers for hanging loads from the phallus.

In the case of a question about the possibility of increasing the size of the penis with the help of operations, the answer is unequivocal - it is possible!
In fact, the current advances in medicine have affected this side as well, so as a result of the operation there will be no extensive rough scars, which makes the surgery very cost effective.
Surgical interventions are divided into two groups:
- Extensionlike ligamentotomy and falloprothetics;
- Thickeningsuch as muscle tissue transplantation and lipofilling.
Creams, gels, ointments, sprays
Particular doubts are always surrounded by the question of whether it is realistic to enlarge the penis with creams, ointments, gels or sprays, which are actively advertised.
However, there is more opinion in favor of a positive answer than in favor of a negative answer.
The effect of the cream, of course, does not appear from the first day, literally after the first application. On average, after two weeks, these drugs start to work and give the first results.
Can this be done at home?
Of particular interest to men is whether it is possible to enlarge the penis without leaving their own home.

Based on existing methods, the answer to this question will be optimistic, since only the operation requires external intervention and a visit to the hospital.
In the case of a choice of pumps, folk recipes, creams or thinners, it will be enough for you to leave your house to buy the desired product. Afor exercise and weight use nothing is required except the desire for results. . .
In addition, we answer in more detail the question of whether it is possible to enlarge the penis at home. In general, it can only receive a positive response. Among the methods given in the general list, the following are suitable for home enlargement:
- extensions;
- Pumps;
- Exercises;
- Weighting agents;
- Creams, ointments, gels, sprays.
The choice of method must be considered and weighed.. . . Some of the methods are simple and safe, which is important to consider when making the final decision.

How much to actually resize?
Since doubts about the realism of increasing phallus size are dispelled and supported by options for action, the next emerging question for men concerns possible outcomes.
Different methods give different effects, if we are talking about average thenyou can increase penis length 2-4cm and thickness 1-2cm. . .
If a man is wondering whether it is realistic to enlarge his penis at home, and whether it can be done, he can calmly think about the existing proven methods of changing the size of the penis and choose the most convenient and most convenient option. profitable for him. .